Before I did just to paint angles, everything had wings and most of my works where in brown colors or dark colors, now I´m trying to use more bright colors. This one is one of my favorits. Given away to a good issues.
That one is a big one, 150 cm long and is hanging over my sofa. I love this one to.. this one is mine..
Those are my friends, standing on a barrel and looking around...
This one is a big one, I did the painting before Fabulous faces, to day I would do the face different, but this one is nice, the girl does look at you where ever you stand, she follows with her eyes. Sold.
These one is even bigger, she is different from the others, both the colors and the images. Sold.
This was the first time I did paint fruits, Im happy with that one and I think I´ll keep it for my self..