Saturday, December 10, 2011

After class paintings

After the class I have made these two, the brown one is ok but the blue one does look so sad or I dont know what it is, maybe I have to work a little bit more on the face, put on more shadows..


  1. I teach art in Ukraine too and I love sharing the joy of creating with kids. Nothing like seeing their faces light up with happiness and pride over their creation. I"m so with ya. You'll see on my blog.


  2. Coleen did you see my link to Flickr where I put photos of my students work. There Im in few groups for art teachers and there I´ve got some great ideas and some have got ideas from me. It feels so good to share.

  3. I want to take Tam's class so bad! Infact when I pay for my Lifebook course I am choosing that one!

    I LOVE your pictures, the brown one AND the blue one. So she may look a little sad, I think it gives her depth, she is beautiful!

    I love your work! Thanks for following me on Twitter, I returned the favor and am following your blog now!

  4. Going to look at your Flickr. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I"m always looking for new ideas for my kids and ladies. You might also want to check out our missions blog as I also post different art ministry pix there too:
    BTW, I really like that glitzy blog background you have. I'm a bling girl myself.

  5. Thank you Michelle, I did sign in to the Life book for few weeks ago and started on FF the same day. After FF I took Mandala free klass there to and another with Tam that was also free. I just love it there, wish I had little more time working on the project but it is x-mas soon and then Im getting two weeks holiday, jibbý..

  6. Coleen please take a look and you can see which groups im in, all some art teachers groups with lot of ideas.
    Thank you for the blog address, now Im going to take a look..

  7. Collen, the glitzy blog background is a picture I took in India when I was there few years ago, it is a bangles shop, so colorful and nice..
