Friday, June 15, 2012

When I wake up I think of you...

I think this one is going to be my last Lovely Lady, I dont know how many I have made but I think they are about 30.. It is about time to start doing something else..
This one is the quiet one, dosent say much but does think more. She is young and she is in love. I think she is beautiful...
But maybe I cant stop and start a new one tomorrow and make them 40.. who knows..
Today is a beautiful day, the sun is shining and the weather is great.. think Im going to go for an Ice cream.... 

Happy PPF to all of you and have a nice weekend.
:-) (-:


  1. Loving your new mixed media lady. Enjoy your icecream. Happy PPF, Annette x

    1. Thank you Netty, the Ice cream was to good.... but we are having such a nice weather here in Iceland so we must have Ice cream now and then..

  2. such character - I love what you do with portraits! Love the nose especially

  3. young and in love, sigh! Nice work!

  4. I think I could look at endless lovely ladies... they are all individual and have all developed and changed... keep going I say and why stop at 40!!!!

    1. Thank you Tracey, I think they are maybe getting to pretty, they are not supposed to be pretty, just kind. Maybe I should take a look at the first one and practice more like her..

  5. It would be interesting to see your 30 Lovely Ladies as a slideshow.
    I agree with you that after a while it is time to move on to a new subject. I never could understand those people who painted or drew the same thing over and over.

    1. Thank you Carlarey, slideshow... brilliant idea, I have photo of all of them except one, Im going to make a slideshow...

  6. Love your quirky and delightful portraits! They really appeal to me! Great job!! Happy PPF!

  7. I love your lovely ladies!
    I went for ice-cream tonight, too! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

    1. Thank you Mary, we sure need an Ice cream on a sunny day :-)

  8. I will absolutely miss these ladies if you stop! I fell in love with them at first sight. Each one speaks to me.
    I want to know them. This quiet one is lovely in her pensive way. Thank you for drawing so many. I am sure whatever you do next will be equally wonderful. Perhaps you can do a posting of all of them at once? Or a big collage?


    1. Thank you Lynn, just now Im making a slideshow... thanks to Carlarey.. I have found photos of all of them I think except one, but I did not scann her in and I dont know why..

  9. i just found your blog. i am happy i did!i love you ladies :D can't wait to see more of your art - love ashley
