I was asked to make a Christmas ornament or some kind of do it yourself for x-mas.
I decided to show how to make a line with clips for Christmas cards.
What you need is wooden laundry clips, some kind of string (about 1.5 to 2 meters) acrylic paint, read, white, black, green and yellow. White glitter if you want.
First I take few wooden laundry clips, about 20 pieces.
First I take the half of the clips and start with red color, paint Santa´s jacket and Santa´s cap
then I make his beard and the fur edge of his cap with white color and the dusk too.
Next is to paint his face with skin tone.
Next step is to paint the other half of the clips green.
I do add red and yellow dots for lights and then I paint a yellow star on top of the clips
Next step is to paint dots for eye and nose and add a little red color for mouth in the beard.
Then I add a little glitter on the white color of Santa´s cap.
and this is how I hang my Christmas cards.
This is the one I have. I do add this string between two nails on the wall (1 to 1.5 cm between) and hang all my Christmas cards one in each clips. This makes a beautiful Christmas decoration.
Sorry I don´t have picture of it hanging on my wall to show you but I hope this will do.
Have a beautiful weekend