As you may know then Im in love with doodling, cant stop doodle.
So yesterday night I draw this angel and decorate it all with doodle.
Then I started to color my angel. In the beginning everything went great. But that is not a question, I have to buy my new Sharpies ore other brand. Mine are almost finished. Im going to try to clean them but Im not sure if that is going to work.
So in stead of my Sharpies I did use Derwent watercolour pens. After coloring I used a wet brush and that is how it endet. I kind of like it but I prefer Sharpies, more colors like you can see in the flowers. The angels face I painted with a Neocolor ll.
I think I happy with how it turned out, now I have to find me a new thing to draw...
Have a beautiful day all of you.
One more thing.. I was interviewed by Sandra Mccall, feel free to go to her blog if you want to read all about me :)