Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Christmas class with Christy Tomlinson and her friends.

Finally I had time to create. 
After having a flue for over two weeks I could sit down and work a little with the Christmas class Im taking from Christi Tomlinson.
The first thing was to make a beautiful Christmas tree.
I had a little help from my cat, he loved to play with my fabric, usually he is not aloud to stay on the dining table but sometimes I cant push him away.

The time was well over midnight and I knew if I did not finish it now I would not finish it before next weekend. So I and my cat stayed up till almost 4 o´clock in the morning.

Here I have my tree ready made, think it looks good beside my angel. I might make another smaller tree with the same fabric so I have two standing together or maybe three.

Happy PPF girls, sorry I dont have any painting to show this week, hopefully next week.
By the way, Im doing great with my product (my books and the other things Im making) Last week I did get my newest product, my little calendar.

Ill show it to you next time.


  1. What a unique tree, very nice.

  2. Cats sure love to be in the thick of things. Love your tree.

    1. Thank you Lucy, if it is not the cat, its the dog.. but I love their company.

  3. Loving your beautiful tree and your fab candle wish. Annette x

  4. Fun things you are making...hope you are all better now!

    1. Thank you Lynn, Im better but not good enough. Hope Ill be good before christmas :-)

  5. Hi Sigga! Nice to see you here. I love your tree!

  6. Just getting the time to check out the other half of the PPF list - Love your tree! Glad you are over the flu - a nasty virus! It's Christmas time and the crafting bug has hit me as well - but not so much as other years!
